Make your very own cutting board while learning how to use Anvil’s power tools. We will cover using the planer, ripping on the table saw, cross cutting on the miter saw, curved cuts on the bandsaw, doing a decorative edge with the router, and using a sander to finish the project.
This is a great chance to get to know, or brush up on the most powerful tools in the shop. This class is a pre-requisite for open shop access and you get to take home your cutting board. This class is for anyone 12 and older.

Do you have a project that you want to make or can’t finish because you don’t have the right tools? We’re here for you! We have woodshop and blacksmith tools and the experience to help you make your vision a reality. We can only work with 3 different projects per evening so you can get the help you need and it’s only $25/hour. Now that’s a deal!