A journey into the world of the Bladesmith. This intense 6 hour class will focus on the forging skills needed for bladesmithing and forging a blade and handle. a blade with hand shaped construction will be the primary project. A focus on better hand forging skills, grinding, and proper heat treatment will be the core of the class. Basic handle construction, materials, fitting, filing and finish will be covered, it may be possible for students to leave with one completely finished blade based on skill level. A minimum of a beginners blacksmithing workshop is required.
Make sure to wear closed toed shoes and dress in layers, as they the shop gets very warm. While the knife is cooling is a good time to run to Jac’s or bring your own lunch.

This class will take beginners to new heights as you explore the possibilities of what blacksmithing has to offer, but even if you have had some experience, you will be able to hone those skills as you work with your instructor on more advanced projects. You will gain a working understanding of blacksmith tools and techniques including tapering, flattening, dishing and bending. $75/class

Bring your 5th – 8th graders to a day of Learning and Fun!
We will spend the day rotating through different shop opportunities. A couple hours swinging a hammer in the blacksmith shop, a couple hours turning on the lathe, a couple hours putting together a project in the woodshop, a couple hours painting and your kids have had a very full day of learning new skills! We love working with kids and instilling a love for craft!
We are accepting a limited amount of kids for this fun daycamp, so don’t hesitate signing your kids up now! Bring a sack lunch or you can order a lunch from Jac’s and we will pick it up. We will provide a morning and afternoon snack.

Looking for a fun gift for someone special in your life? How about an evening of watercolor painting, accompanied by wine and chocolate. Elizabeth, from Western Rose Studios will be with us helping us paint a picture of Mt Hood overlooking Trillium Lake. It’s going to be a great night of fun and enjoying time together! You don’t have to come with someone – but we think it sounds like fun 🙂
We even have special gift Certificates if you want to give one as a Valentine’s Gift! $45/person or $80 for 2.

It’s essential to have good sets of tongs for blacksmithing so that you can firmly hold hot metal that you’re working with. You’ll need different sizes and styles to match the thickness and shapes of the metal that you’re using in your projects and a blacksmith can’t have too many pairs of tongs.
In this two-evening class, we will explore the basic techniques of forging blacksmiths’ tongs. Since every smith needs tongs (maybe we should say lots of tongs or at least one pair for every stock size that he uses), being able to make the tools that you need is important. Each student will make a pair of light tongs to take home, and learn the skills necessary to build more pairs. Must have taken beginning blacksmithing before attending this class. This class is taught by Jeff Cawley and will be March 14 & 21 for $150 and $15 lab fee.

Rob is a great teacher that will give you the freedom to learn basic skills or go on to the next level in blacksmithing. If you have already had a basic class – bring your ideas of what you would like to try next, and Rob will work with you to make it happen – at least as much as is possible.
Comments from a past student:
As someone who has taught and mentored a lot of people I appreciate your depth of knowledge. It was very confidence building in a somewhat dangerous new environment. Yesterday convinced me that I would like to explore this further.