How to make cool stuff with a minimal amount of tools and no table saw. Yes, you really can make cool stuff with a minimal amount of tools if you are armed with a few simple and useful techniques. Come and learn the secrets to working with what you have or can get by on a limited budget.
Cost is $50 with a maximum of 10 students. Not a hands-on class but so worth the info!

This is a unique opportunity to learn Bow Making from a Master Craftsman. You just have to search his name in Google to find that he is a highly sought after teacher and mentor. Check out this article on Travel Oregon.
“When John carefully crafts his next “tool” from the 6-foot long, lanky stick of wood, it’s clear that the Tillamook County resident has a master bow maker’s touch. For nearly forty years, Strunk has tried and succeeded in creating everything just like native people might have: the bows, the arrows, quivers and broad heads. The natural materials he prefers for bow making include: bamboo, maple, osage and the long popular and gorgeous Yew wood.”
This class is only open to 10 students, so reserve your spot. It will be Saturday and Sunday, January 27 & 28 from 8 – 5 pm. Cost is $250+Bow staves which are provided by John. He brings a variety to choose from and they range in price from $50 to $125. They are purchased from John at the time the class begins.

No need to wear your son’s umpire padding anymore! It’s not as scary as you think and it’s really pretty safe if you understand the basics and follow a few simple rules. Come and learn the age old secrets and take the mystery out of one of the most useful tools in the woodworkers shop, the Table Saw. Cost is $50 with a maximum of 10 students.

Learn how to use the woodworking equipment in your shop that was given to you by your grandfather or your Great Uncle Mortimer – the ones that have no manuals. Rob has been woodworking for over 50 years – and he can figure out how to use almost any tool.
Let us take the fear and the mystery out of woodworking and making really cool stuff. Bring your pictures, ideas and questions, or just come and learn some of the secrets that most of the professionals don’t want you to know. This is a demonstration class and is open to 10 students. .

Do you have tools that you just aren’t sure how to use? or want to learn how to use shop tools? Let us take the fear and the mystery out of woodworking and making jigs to use your router to it’s fullest potential. Rob has been working with wood for most of his life and would love to teach you about shop tools, especially routers. Bring your ideas and questions, or just come and learn some of the secrets that most of the professionals don’t want you to know.